Designing and making art for games is my hobby and passion and more than often either my art becomes a game asset or my game assets take up their own life as art pieces.
Colors, light, motivation and emotions are always the first things that I see when I start creating art. First I think of a story and then I start creating.
Science Visualization
Science and technology provide me with one of my favorite working grounds when it comes to visualisation projects because scientific research topics provide both measurable data and are also sometimes far too little visualized. A problem shows itself in a new way when you can draw it into a picture,
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality for me means a tool and a platform. I started using virtual reality as a tool in my work from the very beginning of creating virtual reality content. To me virtuality is a kind of room where I place myself and my work equipment before starting to work
3D modeling
I got the spark to start modeling 3D when I was finishing my studies with biotechnology and felt I needed more visualisation skills in my work. Little did I know that 3D modeling was magic to me. It all felt so very real and usable. It was the tool that